
How do i clear unread mail in my inbox gmail
How do i clear unread mail in my inbox gmail

how do i clear unread mail in my inbox gmail

auto-moved to a folder (or deleted) by rules, for things that didn't need my attention I was an MS Outlook man for many years, so everything that hit my Inbox was either Everyone has their own way of dealing with email/notification overload, important to not let it get to you, make use of the tools you have to make it manageable, if it's becoming a problem need to rethink your strategy. My big annoyance is being cc'd emails that I don't need to participate in or deal with in any way. Especially the CVE notifications from software vendors so things get patches quickly. Important alerts are also tagged/colored so easy to spot quickly. Then I can quickly process the alert/notification messages, quickly sort/search, save anything that may be needed before removing clutter/noise messages. So alerts/messages are divided by providers, root of inboxs are kept as close to zero unread as possible.

how do i clear unread mail in my inbox gmail

Use filter rules to sort messages to sub folders.

how do i clear unread mail in my inbox gmail

Right now between the over a dozen accounts, about 32k unread (about 140k total at the moment, going back 20 years, only import things get kept more than a year), but I rarely miss any important messages, ticket system is always open along with monitoring systems (3 monitors so everything important is always visible at a glance while doing other activities).

How do i clear unread mail in my inbox gmail